kar khud ko itna buland ke khuda bande se khud puche teri raza kya hai

Saturday, March 20, 2010

she makes my world go round-roomy dearest :-)

i am back!!..n as promised i gonna tell u abt my roomy dearest :-)

so here i go- my roomie aka miss 1 upon masuum-she is a one crazy gal...this innocent looking bt infact 1 upon masuum (lol) girl loves to live life to the fullest, living 60 secs every min!!.. u know what..the world's nt grey bt either dark black or pure white for this missy..i mean eithr she loves few stuffs like hell or hates a few others just as much....for eg.red roses(read between the lines!!), babies, rains, teddy, her kid sis, to name just a few, can make her leap with joy at their slightest mention,,,and on her hate list are mosquitoes ("arrey darwaza laga do yaar, machhar aa jayenge" is her fav maxx quotation!!),mess food, bombay locals( heyy..local trains and nt local ppl okk??)..her music collection is one of the weirdest i have ever seen..jal(can u belive it!!...jal)makes her crazy, raghav sachar and some really weired artists and songs are litteraly worshipped in my room( dont tell me u lyk them as well!!!)
apart from all this....there's this one more big thing....that she loves me and i love her back so much as well..i am almost an adopted child in my room...yO dear...u really make my world go round!!!


  1. Ok I must send some Moquito repellent Like All out, Maxxo

    but it's gr8 u 2 ppl love each other and keep the writin


  2. hehe...on some days we have two all outs working simultaneously!!!!...bt u can always send us 1...may be even a third one will be welcome :D

  3. Speech-less !!

    Hahaha...love you loads !!

    P.S. - My music ain't weird, got it?
