Heaven’s scripting a rainbow life for me....first my brother’s wedding and then my grandpa’s sudden death, a downpour of happiness and grief within a span of a fortnight...
Adding on the myriad hues to my life were my midsems, hostel elections, midsem results, my first application to a job( summer interns) and ofcourse that unbearable break up from my fairy man, happening to me like a slideshow ....away from my home, away from the cozy hug of my mom...
My life has suddenly become enthusiastic in playing some kind of a game with me.. bestowing and snatching away buckets of joy to me at a mind boggling rate..reflecting back though i would like to thank God for some undynamic factors ,,,my friends and my family, who beared with me through all of my cyclic and periodic mood oscillations , .....i dunno what i would have done without them.........................
awww dear... you know na ... that I am always there for you... love you loads!! <3 :*