kar khud ko itna buland ke khuda bande se khud puche teri raza kya hai

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bucket- List

I came to IIT as a starry-eyed kid. I would be leaving it with an even bigger to-do list. I love day-dreaming Mr. Reader; hands down my favourite hobby! And when you dream, you got to dream the biggest, the absolute best. You got to escape to a personal paradise and mentally search the earthly means that might transport you there. There, that then is your dream. Then you got to dream it over and over again until you believe with all your heart that your paradise awaits you just a goal away.

This blog is also one of the passing-out specials in a way. I guess a few years down the line I would like to come back to this blog and chuckle. Mr. Reader, I am going to recite to you my to-do list of life.

To start with, I am still not sure of my immediate plans, but I think I would have them figured out by May end. So, I am going to drop the short term wish-list and go on to a long-term one. That is the more fun one, anyways!

#1: Before I joined IIT, I used to say I am going to study so much in life that when people write down my qualifications, it would fill a paragraph! No wonder I didn’t mind EP at first! Cut to the present, all I plan to do is a good MBA. A great MBA, oh okay a Harvard MBA (It is phonetically closest to Hogwarts!). A MS in Finance also looks lined up on the cards.

#2: Write a novel before 2025.

#3: How I would love to make it big on the Wall Street. You know Mr. Reader, I romanticised every word Mr. I-wish-was-Right ever said to me; 75 % of the time he spoke of finance. What can I say, he had a Midas Speech about him. Every word he spoke turned gold for me. I just got drawn down to finance you know.

#4: When I start earning, I want to buy clothes exclusively from Marks and Spenser; power clothing, simple yet elegant. I am not so specific about the shoes and the accessories.

#5: I am also not specific about a dream home, except that it has to be 50 shades of pink! And if I have girls, I would build a wardrobe full of barbies!

#6: I have always nurtured a little entrepreneurial spirit in me. My favourite shops are Aromas and Crosswords. Putting two and two together, I would love to run a franchise of Aromas and Crosswords. Actually, Crosswords I feel is, well, you know, too sterile! In my tastes, a bookshop has to be much cosier. Have you watched Beauty and the Beast or You Have Got Mail, Mr. Reader? A bookstore has to be like the royal library from Beauty and the Beast or Meg Ryan’s bookshop in the latter! May be I will mix the shops in a combo, that seems to be a popular fashion these days.

Well actually, if it has to be something entrepreneurial and dreamy, then I would go with my own Hedge Fund! (And come to IIT Bombay for recruitment! Ha! That would be fun! )

#7: Watch Federer play! Watch a Wimbeldon Final and an Olympics 100 meter race. Catch a concert of Adele. (They are all some sort of live shows)

#8: Take cooking and spa classes (short-term goal) and find a way to monetize the hobbies (long-term).

#9: I have never been much of a social work enthusiast and I guess my accumulated guilt would only be growing larger with time. So, I plan to turn a philanthropist eventually. I would love to do some charity work in life.

#10:  Find a Mr. Right who would love to be a part of my wish-list :-) 

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