It is extremely liberating to write to you Mr. Reader. Yes, I have missed you too.
Today’s post is an abstract article probably courtesy the tranquil silence just after midsems and the many open ended philosophical questions which subsequently crowd my mind. To start with I have never liked Darwin’s evolution hypothesis. And here’s why- if gradual evolution were to be indeed true then why do amoebas still exist? Why did only a subset of monkeys in Africa evolve to ape man, why did the rest of them retain their primordial physique? Does this also mean that right now a subset of humans are also evolving faster than the junk mass and someday evolve to a superman specie alone? If Darwin’s theory is not wrong then it is atleast incomplete. What happened to the Homo Errectus, did all of them collectively metamorphose into homo sapiens (and then collectively again from homo sapiens to homo sapiens sapiens) or did their residual primordial subset all go extinct? (which is again strange as residual primordials from amoebas to monkeys have still managed to survive!)
Darwin’s Theory has another fascinatingly brutal hypothesis- survival of fittest. This makes you wonder agape at the marvellous Nature and basically give the motivation for all the fan lore of Animal Planet. From camouflage to cactus thorns, from polar bears to caterpillars, nature seems to be a breathtaking masterpiece of the Great Master. But then I wonder why if the chameleon is indeed so brilliant as to adapt its genius camouflage why then is it so dumb? Why do we have hierarchy in intelligence of species? Isn’t the humble amoeba too an incredible genius to exist in the shape that it does? Doesn’t it have the perfect combination of organic molecules to perfectly execute all its biological processes? But now I ask- who gave it its molecules? Surely if it had to assemble them on its own, it would have been 5 times more brilliant than Einstein!
This points out to only a single explanation- the existence of God! The existence of a superconciousness and a separate existence of low level or a dormant consciousness. The hierarchy of intelligence in species could in reality be the hierarchy of the dormancy of the superconciousness.
But do you realize what is happening in the world now, the rat race of men, well it is the surviaval of fittest contest. But hold your breath- it is being fought at the level of the ordinary consciousness. We are actively (dormant-consciously) involved in this race. This is suddenly so worrisome for all the previous races were fought at the level of superconciousness- the biological changes and adaptations- the cactus did not have to really really rack its brains and spend sleepless nights to solve its problems- the thorns just happened, just happened that’s right, the cactus fought its race at the level of the superconciousness. The competition among the humans is much more inhuman for here we do have to spend restless nights hunting in search of the newer adaptations.
Aah now, all that I basically wanted to say is that the rat race is unfair. Even more importantly that I feel midsems are unfair and that I can go to any lengths to prove that point! Well, did I?- please leave a comment if I managed to convince you and also if I didn’t and you would like to correct me somewhere.