kar khud ko itna buland ke khuda bande se khud puche teri raza kya hai

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fanatic Feminism

Back I am! Greetings Mr.Reader. My little monologue has been long overdue now but today is your lucky day and your evasive friend is back. Yes, she has missed you too.

And what do I want to tell you today? Something girly its got to be now, eh? Ofcourse! Well its not about a fuss on any of an isolated girly topics, this blog is about the whole package; this blog is about the girly life of a girl. It is about that imperishable tender outlook of the world, the uninterrupted pride of beauty, the enduring warmth and the eternal love. It is the fuss about the fuss, the pinky gloss, the tinkering bangles, the fashionista satins, the flowing curls, oh I can go on for ever. It is about that privilege to watch your boyfriend hold your hand and go on his knees. But there is much more to the fable than what meets the eye. I am in no mood to write about the ugly dark fears and blatantly derogatory crime saga, I will restrict it to the joys and sorrows of girls in the normal bandwidth of the social structure.

The pro-feminist revolution took the world by the storm and happened so fast, like a blink of the eye. It is hardly a three generation old phenomenon, atleast in India. No questions it is damn too good, damn too euphoratic yet assurably here to stay. But there was an unseen backlash, the making of an alpha-woman. All of a sudden new species took birth- the chopped hair tomboy, the funky lady guitarist, the working mom, the corporate wife and a specie highly prototyped out of ages and ages of evolution, the lovely homemaker-riped.

I don’t know how other girls fare, but sometimes the Modern Age takes a heavy toll on me. To start with, when you are a girl in IIT, the entire society looks up in awe to you. When I check up at the airport, and show my I-card, its always such a wild pleasure to watch the reaction of the security gaurds. When even your uncle’s neighbour’s cousin’s friend gloats you with admiration, you just get the kick of your life! But its not for free, the shity world demands much too larger! I know it expects me to be that top brass professional drawing fat plump salaries some day, and ofcourse get married and ofcourse cook food, and ofcourse breed children and ofcourse look great and ofcourse all at the same time! There is no escape, no trap door out of anything. You know what, I don’t want it that way. I mugged all my life, because I have loved mugging. I never really gave JEE, because I wanted to live in IIT. Believe it or not, it was only because I loved the thrills of that brain storming exam. And I am really not staying in IIT because it is the gatway to work my ass off in a stud office. Its only because I am loving every moment of the present, every joy, every aspect of the lifestyle.

I don’t want to be the career woman bossing my man, and its rather too obscene to think of being the alpha woman providing the better bread than my man. How will you react if I say I don’t even want to be his friend, but let him be my master? No thats suddenly so blasphemous these days. I cant help it, the rudimentary homemaker evolutionary genes are just too stubborn to be stomped out from me. I know I must be somewhere at the extreme end of the spectrum and most girls have better adapted to the new age dynamics than me. But thats the irony of feminists- they so badly want the rise of the fairer sex, but shouldn’t their work end when girls equal boys? Why the sarcastic torture and fear of Gently Falls the Bakula? Why the insatiable race to dominate?